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"We've got an App for that!"

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IKS introduces new Clearance App for Metal Cutting Slitting Lines

Trying to determine the optimal clearance when setting up your slitter? Well, “We’ve got an App for that!”

Attn: Customers with Metal cutting Slitting Lines!  We’ve got a great new tool for your Setup and Operations people!

IKS has developed an Android App that can easily be downloaded to tablets and smartphones that will enable your Setup and Operations people to calculate proper horizontal clearances, for all your set-ups.

How does the IKS Clearance App work?  You simply input the Material Type, Material Gauge, and Tensile Strength into the IKS Clearance App and it will calculate the optimal horizontal clearance to use when setting up your slitter.

You can download it today from the Android App Store (search for IKS Calculator) or go to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.leviner.iks

Note: Plans to also develop this App for Apple iPhone users are underway.